How to change your mindset and grow your creative business

Are you in your comfort zone or are you in your zone of genius? Good question. But you probably know the answer. If it feels like you are not growing, and it just feels ‘OK’, or perhaps you even feel stuck or a little lost, you are probably not going after your big dreams. What’s holding you back? Here’s a little bit of advice on how to change your mindset and grow your creative business.

Grow your creative business…or stay stuck

Are you feeling lost thinking about growing your business, so just not doing anything that changes the situation? Thinking it’s not going to work anyway? That you’re not clever enough, not qualified enough, not good enough to pull this off? Struggling along, trying to figure stuff out by yourself?

mentor for creative businesses

Take the lid off, reach for the stars

It is so common, and I hear it all the time. Most of my clients, if not all of them, come to me feeling exactly like this. But they reach out, because they have a dream, they feel there is something worth exploring, and they want something better for themselves.

Look at the possibilities, not the barriers. A barrier is almost always a story you invented yourself, and you keep going in your head.

What does not seem possible right now?
But what do you want for yourself?

We always come up with excuses: no money right now, it’s not the right time, your goals are out of your reach, you don’t have enough qualifications yet, and what will people think if you suddenly did what you dream of, etc etc.

How much of this is true, though?

I recently read the book The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, and he talks about “The upper limit problem” as he calls it: or the stories that keep you in your zone of comfort and prevent you from moving into your zone of genius, where it all makes sense and abundance comes easy. Sounds like a dream, but it is available to all of us – if only we take off the lid stuck on our mind, and reach for the stars.

(I am working on this, just like you, don’t get me wrong 😬😬😬. It’s a journey! I am not perfect, and I too struggle with mind blocks, each time I enter a new phase. But I know mind blocks are just….mind blocks. And blocks can be broken down.)

Grow your creative business by ditching the stories

Those limiting belief stories, …they gotta go. Create the life you want. Start today. A small step is also a step. A snail also moves forward. There is also never a perfect time. Now is perfect.

And if nothing changes just now, where will you be in six months time? How will you feel? What are you missing out on?

Will you be OK with that?

Don’t believe those stories, . They are just words in your head. Change those words. And change your reality.

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