What is detachment and how can it help you get more clients

How to be more relaxed in getting that sale

Do you know that feeling, when you have a meeting with a potential new client, and you get all flustered and nervous? You really want this client, you need the income, and you’ve just GOT to make that sale. The meeting starts, and you find yourself doing all the talking. Lots of words, trying to convince this person. Explaining all the features, the extras, the benefits. You hear yourself getting a bit desperate. Why are they not saying anything back? So you keep talking. Then you name the price. There is a silence. Uh-oh. Do they think it’s too much? So you tell them you can probably give them a discount. They say they want to have a think. All hope vanishes. You guess that’s a no, then.

If you have these kinds of conversations with potential customers sometimes, you most likely have found yourself in a similar situation, right? Let me tell you first of all: it is very common, and there is nothing wrong with you. If you received a no from a client, it is not a reflection on your product or service, or how good your business is. And it certainly is nothing personal. What has happened is, that you failed to create the right connection with your client, the client didn’t feel confident that his problem was going to be solved, or they were overwhelmed by the flood of information.

The answer to unsuccessful sales conversations is twofold:

1. Do more listening, and less talking (once you hear about the exact needs of the client, you will be much more able to explain how you can help them, in a very relevant way – this is what will help make the sale)

2. Detach yourself of the outcome. Today I want to explain the art of detachment.

What is detachment?

If you imagine attachment being very much the situation I described in the first paragraph, then detachment is the opposite. What does this look like in a sales call? It doesn’t mean that you don’t care anymore, or you are so laid-back that you’re horizontal, or even blasé. It means that you go into these types of conversations in a calm way, treating them for what they are: conversations.

You are meeting someone who has come to you for help. You are going to find out if you can help them. That is all. No need to proof yourself. Just be you, and trust in yourself and your abilities. Don’t take things personal.

Detachment in sales means that you take the pressure off. You want that sale, of course you do, but you also want to make sure that you are the right person to help this client. If the two of you are not a good fit, you’ll be selling something that they won’t be happy with in the long run. Or you’ll end up working on a project you don’t enjoy or that isn’t aligned with your own goals. So these conversations are not just an opportunity for the client to make a decision on whether to work with you, they are also a chance for you to check out the client. After all, it has to be happy relationship!


As a creative business coach, I would love to help you overcome your struggles in business and find your mojo back! I help clients 1-to-1 with their own challenges in marketing, mindset and attracting more sales. Interested? Book a free first call to see what is possible, and what this would look like.

Check out my Testimonials to find out what results other people got from working with me.

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